Job Opportunity – Audio Visual Director
Ensure that Calvary Baptist Church delivers the highest possible level of audioand video quality to the congregants, guests, staff and virtual congregation at allexperiences, events and recordings. In addition, provide oversight of howCalvary Baptist Church provides outreach and is presented via its website andsocial media platforms.
Primary Responsibilities (not all inclusive):
Oversee sound, lighting, recording, live streaming and editing especially forSundays. Manage the audio visual volunteer staff and third party vendorsassociated with audio visual and editing endeavors. Assess and create mediaplatforms to provide effective outreach results. Provide oversight to websitecreativity and marketing outreach. Manage the operation of audio visual relatedequipment for Sunday services, weddings, funerals, concerts, presentations,meetings and other Church activities. Must stay up on the latest technologytrends and be able to forecast future media, audio and visual platforms that willkeep the ministry on the cutting edge.
Bachelor Degree in Communications, Media/Information and GraphicsTechnology preferred. Minimum of 2-5 years of demonstrated experience inboth audio visual and social media areas. Proficiency with audio/visualequipment, such as cameras, computers, media related software and recorders.Excellent written and verbal communication skills. Familiarity with web designand content management systems. Extensive working knowledge of social mediaplatforms. 2-3 years of audio technician experience. Skilled with programs suchas Adobe Creative Cloud, Premier and Audition. Experience with a Tricaster is aplus. An overall understanding of video, music and safety protocols. High level oforganizational skills with an eye for attention to details. Strong technicalproject/program management.
All interested individuals can send resumes to:
Or Via hard mail to:
Calvary Baptist Church
10 Martin Luther King Avenue
Morristown, NJ 07960
Att: Donna Boles – Personnel Committee
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