We give because the Bible declares in Deuteronomy 16:17, “Each of you must bring a gift in proportion to the way the Lord your God has blessed you.”
You should give as an act of thanksgiving and gratitude for God’s blessings to you.
The tithes, offerings and gifts we receive are used for the work of ministry and the spread the gospel of Jesus Christ. Calvary provides spiritual and physical assistance to those in need.
Locally, we support: the church’s 42 ministries; members in need; scholarships; several local missions projects including Family Promise, Interfaith Food Pantry, Market Street Mission, Table of Hope and clothing donations; the Community Development Corporation of Northern New Jersey and Angel Tree. Globally, Calvary supports foreign missions projects in: Haiti at the Light & Peace Mission and Orphanage in Cabaret; Jamaica at Alpine Mennonite Church in Red Hills and Dias Church of God in Lucy; and in India at Faith Gospel Church and Orphanage in multiple locations. Therefore, when you give, you are a blessing to someone else!
God even promises to bless those who trust him with their tithes! The best known tithing text, Malachi 3:10 states, “Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this, says the Lord Almighty, and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it.”
“Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” 2 Corinthians 9: 6-7 NIV **NOTE: You do not need to have a PayPal account in order to donate using PayPal. Just enter your debit/credit card information directly and the donation will be processed by PayPal.
The Givelify mobile giving app is faster and easier than online giving, making it the best option during worship service or on the go. No waiting in line. No disruption to the donation experience. Once you complete the initial setup, there is no need for cash, checks or credit cards.
To make a donation using Givelify, please install the Givelify app first on your smartphone. Once installed, search for Calvary Baptist Church under “Places of Worship”. Make sure you select the correct church. We are Calvary Baptist Church, 10 Martin Luther King Avenue, Morristown, NJ and you will see the church emblem: Then select “Give To”. That’s it! Now going forward, when you open the Givelify app on your phone, Calvary Baptist Church should already be selected under your ‘Favorites’. Don’t forget to include your envelope number. While making a donation you can select “Add Memo“, and then “Create Your Own“. This will show you a blank box where you can enter your envelope number.
To donate via text using your mobile phone, just send the message “Give” to the phone number (973) 943-4355. Then designate the category you would like to assign to your donation and then the amount of your donation. (You must complete a one-time registration process.)
The Cash App mobile giving app is a quick and easy way to make an online contribution, making it a great option during worship service or on the go. To donate using Cash App, you must have a smartphone and install the Cash App app on your iPhone or Android mobile phone. Once installed, you may send your donation to the church using the cash tag $calvarybcnj.
Make sure you see in the To: Calvary Baptist Church of Morristown, and in the For: (please indicate your envelope number if you have one) CashApp only shows us your CashApp user name, so there is no way for us to contact you if there is a problem. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE: We need your NAME and ENVELOPE NUMBER. This helps us to give you proper credit and allows you to tell us how you want your offering applied: (tithe, offering, other) Thank you.