



The mission of the Music and Worship Arts Ministry is to glorify God through the medium of the performing arts. It is our desire for God to speak to us and through us for the edification of His people and to magnify His name. 

Leadership Team

Kenneth Brown, Minister of Music
Reverend Shawn Hall, Assistant Minister of Music/Minister of Media
Rodney Lee, Youth Choir Director/Leader

Theme Scripture

Let All Things Praise the LORD
Praise God in His sanctuary;
Praise Him in His mighty firmament!
Praise Him according to His excellent greatness!
Praise Him with the sound of the trumpet;
Praise Him with the timbrel and dance;
Praise Him with stringed instruments and flutes!
Praise Him with loud cymbals;
Praise Him with clashing cymbals!
Let everything that has breath praise the Lord
Praise the Lord!  PSALM 150


Our Praise Team and various choirs, through biblically based hymns, traditional and contemporary gospel songs, helps to make God’s Word knowable in ways that speech alone cannot. 

Our Music Ministry is currently comprised of ONE CHOIR with many branches. These branches include: The Unity Choir, Men of Standard Choir, Serenity Choir, Youth Choir, Young Adult Choir and Praise Team.

  1. The Unity Choir is a mixed choir that ministers every first Sunday. Although the bulk of their repertoire is comprised of Gospel (both traditional and contemporary), they also sing hymns, spirituals and anthems when the occasion dictates. The Unity Choir rehearses on the Monday and Friday before the 1st Sunday of every month. *A brief vocal assessment is required to participate, primarily for vocal placement purposes. 
  1. The Youth Choir (grades K-12)! In as much as the 2nd Sunday of each month is designated as Youth Sunday at Calvary, this is when the Youth Choir ministers. They, primarily sing more contemporary gospel music which intentionally caters to our younger congregants. They generally rehearse two consecutive Friday’s before the 2nd Sunday at 6:15PM. *All eligible youth are welcome to participate!
  1. Serenity Choir is a mixed ensemble that ministers on the 3rd Sunday of every month. While the bulk of their repertoire is admittedly contemporary gospel, they also sing traditional gospel and spirituals when needed. *A brief vocal assessment is required to join this ensemble. 
  1. Men of Standard is a choir comprised of all brothers. They sing a variety of gospel styles with the goal of reaching every facet of our congregation from the youngest to the eldest. They usually sing on the fourth Sunday of every month, and rehearsal on the Thursday before the 4th Sunday at 7PM, and the Saturday before the 4th Sunday at 10AM.*A brief vocal assessment is required to participate, primarily for vocal placement purposes. 
  1. The Calvary Praise Team is made up of six auditioned singers. They generally lead Praise and Worship weekly. This select ensemble is open to new membership on an “As Needed” basis. However, if you’re interested in becoming a part of this team, don’t hesitate to let music leadership (listed below) know. 


Kenneth Brown –
Rev. Shawn Hall –
Rodney Lee (Youth Choir) –