Worship With Us

We look forward to seeing you.

Worship Times

10:00 am Sunday Worship Experience

3rd and 4th Sundays Children’s Church (Pre-K – 2nd Grade) and Youth Worship (3rd-12th Grade)

6:00 pm Saturday Adult Church School

9:00 am Sunday Adult Church School & New Members Classes (virtual and in person)

9:00 am 1st and 3rd Sundays Youth Church School

Register for virtual church school HERE

7:00 pm | Tuesday – Bible Study (As Announced)

Letter to the Congregation

As always, it is with an infinitely thankful heart and genuine enthusiasm that I greet each of you in this virtual world in which we have been constrained to navigate. Having endured the ravages of this unprecedented coronavirus pandemic for the past seven months, I am highly encouraged by the consistent and loyal support of the Calvary family.

Upcoming Events


Rep Your Roots

Sunday, Calvary Baptist Church

Taste of Soul

Sunday, Calvary Baptist Church